Behind the Scenes: Sneak Peek

It wouldn’t be a normal photoshoot if the unexpected didn’t happen. It’s a story for afterwards and almost always something we laugh about on the way home. We’ve been photo-bombed by dogs and bicyclists, one of us will usually get stuck in a pricker bush and we almost inevitably have our eye on someone “official” asking us to leave a location we were simply borrowing for a few minutes! BUT, we have never set anything on fire…until now. It was tiny, there were no big huge flames, the fire department wasn’t called and we were on top of water, literally. But the flag almost went up in flames. It’s all good though. The flag is a little worse for the wear, but we had a lot of fun playing with sparklers. Here’s a sneak peek (Can’t show you everything until the 4th!). I know there are 3 Paige P. seniors laughing right now while reading this! xoxo

What’s on your long weekend bucket list for the Fourth? Make it fun and sparkly!

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